"Synthesis and stereochemistry of copper(I) pi-complexes with allylic derivatives of azomethynes and thiosemicarbazide"

Ph.D. Thesis defended in October 2002
Chapters in pdf-format (in Ukrainian):

Title and Contents  80 Kb
Introduction  56 Kb
Literature review 693 Kb
Experimental part 175 Kb
Results1123 Kb
Discussion 429 Kb
Conclusions  33 Kb
References 121 Kb
Appendix 1 210 Kb
Appendix 2 164 Kb
Appendix 3  34 Kb
Thesis abstract - 20 pages with a short summary in English (see the last page) - 482 Kb

Two nice review articles have been published by other authors, covering a considerable part of my PhD work:

1 Highly stable olefin–Cu(I) coordination oligomers and polymers
Chem. Soc. Rev. 2005. V. 34. No. 3. P. 208-225.


Olefin-copper(I) complexes and their properties
Top. Catal. 2005. V. 35. No 1-2. P. 43-61.
